No less than 24 banks are member of the Banking Employers’ Association (WVB) and have thus committed to create a working environment with greater diversity; a diverse workforce with regard to occupational impairment or chronic illness, gender, age, LGBT, ethnic, cultural and religious background.

No less than 24 banks are member of the Banking Employers’ Association (WVB) and have thus committed to create a working environment with greater diversity; a diverse workforce with regard to occupational impairment or chronic illness, gender, age, LGBT, ethnic, cultural and religious background.


“Diversity is a gift you give to your bank.” This statement by Jannie Mooren from the Netherlands Labour Foundation (StvdA) opened the meeting at the Netherlands Bankers’ Association (NVB) on 16 May. Following a presentation about the Labour Foundation’s ‘Diversity in Business’ knowledge platform concerning the importance of diversity, the banks attending were given a Masterclass by the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights about stereotypes in the workplace. During the meeting all of the banks discussed the way in which diversity is addressed within their organisation and what further improvements can be made. During the afternoon it became clear that a lot is happening in the area of diversity. However, Jannie Mooren from the StvdA indicated that the challenge is really about awareness at work, “diversity only works when you can convince your colleagues at work that it generates benefits.”

Diversity and inclusivity

The Diversity Charter is a declaration of intention and is aimed at employers in the public and private sectors. By signing the Charter an employee declares that it will actively aim to achieve greater diversity and inclusivity at work. The signatory undertakes, as a minimum, to focus on one specific target. The measures this involves are determined by the actual employer. These measures are detailed in a Plan of Approach in which the targets, investments and approach are clearly defined. Within six months of signing the Diversity Charter the plan is presented to Diversity in Business by the WVB. Each year, the participating organisations report on the efforts and the results that focus on responding to the challenge(s).

First Collective Labour Agreement with a Diversity Charter

The Banking Collective Labour Agreement for 2017-2019 is the first collective labour agreement to include the Diversity Charter. This Collective Labour Agreement has been concluded by the Banking Employers’ Association (WVB) and the CNV Vakmensen and De Unie unions. Article 12.5 of this Collective Labour Agreement reads: 'In 2017 the employers shall adopt Diversity in Business. Within that framework, the WVB shall as a minimum organise one conference or training course per year in which attention is paid to the benefits of diversity and tackling discrimination at work.'