Your work and your personal development are reviewed annually. With the approval of the employee representatives or the trade unions, to this end, each employer maintains an appraisal system that must comply with the following criteria:
- you and your appraiser must have insight into the job content based on a job description;
- the subject of the appraisal can be:
- the extent to which the employee has developed in the job;
- the manner of job performance (qualitative requirements and expectations, the ‘how’);
- the result of job performance (quantitative goals, the ‘what’).
- at the beginning of each appraisal period you and your appraiser will make specific agreements;
- these agreements are related to the main tasks of the job, and to organisational and/or departmental plans;
- the agreements must be measurable and you must be able to influence them;
- the agreements made are followed up by evaluations during the year and are adjusted as necessary. Appraiser and employee may both take the initiative to evaluate;
- the appraisal must be based on regular personal observation by your appraiser;
- you will receive the appraisal report in writing after which the appraiser will discuss the contents with you.
You will be given the opportunity to raise objections concerning the appraisal with the appraiser and his immediate supervisor. If your objection is rejected you can appeal in conformity with the internal procedure. You can enlist assistance in this, for example from the trade union of which you are a member.