If you are promoted to a job that is classified in a higher job group, the job salary will be classified in the accompanying higher salary scale. Your job salary in the new salary scale will be established as follows. Firstly, the next higher salary amount in the new salary scale is considered. After that, the job year belonging to the next higher salary amount in the new salary scale is increased by one job year.
If the next higher salary amount in the new salary scale is the job starting salary, before a job year in the new salary scale is allocated, it is assessed whether the job starting salary in the new scale is higher than your current job salary plus two increments in your current scale. If this is the case, you will be classified at the job starting salary in the new salary scale.
If the job starting salary in the new salary scale is lower than your current job salary plus two increments in your current salary scale, you will be classified at job year 1 in the new salary scale.