CLA Banks
Participating Banks
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CLA Banks
Participating Banks
1. General provisions
1.1 Parties
1.2 Name
1.3 Remaining in effect
1.4 Character
1.5 Term
1.6 Scope of application
1.7 The employment benefits à la carte system
1.8 Dispensation
1.9 Legal changes
1.10 Study arrangements
2. Definitions
3. General obligations of the employer and the employee
3.1 No provisions may contravene this CLA
3.2 Making the CLA available
3.3 Performing other work on a temporary basis
3.4 Ban on ancillary activities
3.5 Confidentiality
3.6 Rules of conduct in the event of illness or incapacity for work
4. Sustainable employability and development
4.1. Sustainable employability
4.2 The importance of sustainable employability
4.3 Joint responsibility
4.4 Developing policy
4.5 Personal development interview
4.6 Entitlement to training
4.7 Time needed and costs of training
4.8 Other types of personal development
4.9 Personal strength and value in the labour market
4.10 Vitality leave and 80-80-100 scheme
4.11 Informal care
5. Commencement of employment and termination of employment
5.1 Content of the employment contract
5.2 Permanent and fixed term
5.3 Probationary period
5.4 Non-competition clause
5.5 Suspension from duties as a disciplinary measure
5.6 Notice periods
5.7 Termination of employment contract on becoming eligible for a old age state pension
5.8 Partial incapacity for work and termination of your employment contract
6. Job and remuneration
6.1 Job grading
6.2 Recognised systems
6.3 Salary system
6.4 Employers without a company salary system
6.5 Employers with a company salary system
6.6 Adjusting the company salary system
6.7 Structural salary adjustment
6.8 One-off payment
6.9 Salary scales
6.10 Gross minimum (youth) wage
6.11 Job classification
6.12 Job classification in the training phase
6.13 Appraisal system
6.14 Salary growth based on appraisal at employers without a company salary system
6.15 Salary growth based on appraisal at employers with a company salary system
6.16 Performance-related allowance
6.17 Promotion
6.18 Job downgrading
6.19 Deputation and compensation
7. Working hours, hours of work and overtime
7.1 Standard working hours
7.2 Longer working hours in the company’s interest
7.3 Adjusting the working hours
7.4 Adjusting the working hours for older employees: 80-80-100 scheme
7.5 Usual hours of work and working on Saturday
7.6 Individual working days and hours of work
7.7 Flexible hours of work
7.8 Time and Place Independent Working (TPIW)
7.9 What is overtime?
7.10 Overtime rules
7.11 Allowance for overtime
7.12 Maximum amount of overtime per quarter
7.13 Meals and breaks for meals in the event of overtime
8. Holiday, vitality leave and other leave schemes
8.1 Holiday hours
8.2 Granting in time off and/or money
8.3 Requesting and taking holiday
8.4.1 Being incapacitated for work before going on holiday
8.4.2 Becoming incapacitated for work while on holiday
8.5 Buying and selling holiday hours
8.6 Arranging vitality leave
8.7 Procedure for requesting vitality leave
8.8 Limiting the amount of vitality leave taken in a year
8.9 Vitality leave and terminating the employment contract
8.10 Vitality budget for employers with no more than 10 employees
8.11 Public holidays
8.12 Statutory leave schemes
8.13 Adoption leave
8.14 Birth leave after partner gives birth
8.15 Parental leave
8.16. Short-term care leave
8.17 Special leave of absence
8.18 Trade union leave
8.19 Pre-retirement leave
8.20 Unpaid leave
9. Allowances
9.1 Holiday allowance
9.2 Thirteenth month bonus
9.3 Saturday allowance
9.4 Allowance for overtime
9.5 Individual allowance
9.6 Labour market-related allowance
10. Schemes
10.1 Supplementary payments in the first two years of occupational disability
10.2.1 Discussing the reintegration efforts after the end of the second year
10.2.2 No statutory incapacity for work benefit (WIA) in connection with a penalty imposed on the employer
10.3 Supplementary payments from the third year onwards for employees with an occupational disability of 80% or more
10.4 Supplementary payments from the third year onwards for employees with an occupational disability of less than 35% and for beneficiaries under the WGA scheme
10.5 Supplementary payments to employees reintegrated at another employer
10.6 Bereavement allowance
10.7 Commuting expenses
10.8 Care insurance
10.9 WGA shortfall and supplementary WGA/IVA benefits
10.10 Trade union contribution
11. Pensions
11.1 Pension Protocol 2006
11.2 Participation in the Pension Protocol 2006
11.3 Types of pension
11.4 Definitions and standards
11.5 Final salary scheme
11.6 Indexed average pay scheme
11.7 CDC scheme
11.8 Individual DC scheme
11.9 Definition of wage bill for contribution division of the pension costs
11.10 Division of pension costs
11.11 Part-time pension
11.12 Supplement scheme for pension entitlements (active employees)
11.13 Supplement scheme for non-contributory entitlements (dormant rights) and pensions that have commenced
11.14 Pension accrual in the first two years of occupational disability
11.15 Pension accrual after the first two years of occupational disability
11.16 Supplementary pension provision possibilities
11.17 Changes in legislation
Amendments to text of pension articles in the CLA Banks 2019 – 2020
12. Position of trade unions and employment
12.1 Trade union facilities
12.2 Protecting trade union representatives
12.3 Employer’s contribution to the trade unions
12.4 Developments in employment opportunities
12.5 Diversity
12.6 Temporary staff
12.7 Work code
12.8 Financing the third year of unemployment
12.9 Information relating to major reorganisations
12.10 Confidentiality
12.11 Social plan
12.12 Consultation
12.13 Outplacement
12.14 Re-employment periods in the event of reorganisation
Annex 1: Matrix showing the remuneration and salary components
Annex 2: Shift arrangements
§1.1 Definitions
§1.2 Arrangements for shift work or shifted hours of work
§1.3 Overtime
§1.4 Written notification
§1.5 Meal expenses for shift work or shifted hours of work
§1.6 Payment of salary during holidays
§2.7 Shift work allowance and shifted hours of work
§2.8 Public holidays and shift work
§2.9 Compensation in time off and/or money
§2.10 Built in time off
§2.11 Shift work allowance as a base amount for other payments
§3.12 Adjustment allowance for shift work or shifted hours of work
§3.13 Calculating the adjustment allowance
§3.14 Adjustment allowance and structural salary adjustments
§3.15 Adjustment allowance and shift work allowance in excess of 10%
§3.16 The adjustment allowance and increases in the individual job salary
CLA Banks
8. Holiday, vitality leave and other leave schemes
Chapter 8 Holiday, vitality leave and other leave schemes
8.1 Holiday hours
8.2 Granting in time off and/or money
8.3 Requesting and taking holiday
8.4 Holiday and incapacity for work
8.4.1 Incapacity for work before going on holiday
8.4.2. Incapacity for work while on holiday
8.5 Buying and selling holiday hours
Vitality leave
8.6 Arranging vitality leave
8.7 Procedure for requesting vitality leave
8.8 Limiting the amount of vitality leave taken in a year
8.9 Vitality leave and terminating the employment contract
8.10 Vitality budget at employers with no more than 10 employees
Other leave schemes
8.11 Public holidays
8.12 Statutory leave schemes
8.13 Adoption leave
8.14 Birth leave after partner gives birth
8.15 Parental leave
8.16 Short-term care leave
8.17 Special leave of absence
8.18 Trade union leave
8.19 Pre-retirement leave
8.20 Unpaid leave
Involved in closing the CLA Banks are
Werkgevers Vereniging Banken
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