An employee with three years or less remaining before reaching the age of entitlement to state old-age pension, (AOW) has the option of ending their employment earlier than the date of their entitlement to state pension and thus make use of the temporary easing of the RVU scheme in the pensions agreement if they have been in the service of the employer for an uninterrupted period of at least 10 years. The amount of the benefit will be € 1,874 gross per month for full-time employment and will be adjusted proportionally in line with the working hours if these are shorter. Application for the RVU scheme must be made to the employer at least six months before the intended commencement date, and the employee must take the initiative to discuss with the employer their reasons and how the RVU scheme contributes to their vitality. The employer decides whether to grant the scheme and will give its reasons in writing if the application is rejected. The CLA agreement on the RVU scheme applies to the current CLA, after which it will be evaluated by the parties to the CLA. If the statutory extension of the RVU scheme ends, so does this CLA agreement.